Viewing: K.3. Renewal of Agreement between CUSD and ASPS Security for Security Patrol Services for fiscal year 2016-17.
E. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION-Approximate time: 6pm F. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION G. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC-The Board will take any and all comments from the public related to an item on the agenda or any other item of District business that is not on the agenda. H. PRESENTATIONS H.1. Student Representatives: AU: Arturo Hernandez CO: Efrain Romero CO-9th: Julissa Ceceña EC: Camilo Garcia Jr. WM: Johnny Valenzuela H.2. Students of the Month Recognitions: AU: Sara E. Avila Barrera & Kevin J. Valle CO: Vanessa Villegas & Angel Gonzalez CO-9th: Alexandra Garcia & Sergio Caldera EC: Lyah N. Macias & Ismael E. Prado WM: Ruby Marquez & Marco A. Heredia III I. CONSENT AGENDA - all items appearing will be acted upon by one motion, without discussion, unless selected for separate consideration. I.1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Board Meeting of October 13, 2016. I.2. Acceptance of the Donation in the amount of $500.00 from Walmart for general purposes at Blanche Charles. I.3. Recognition of Booster Club- The Bulldog Cheer Booster Club (BP/AR 1230). J. INFORMATION ITEMS J.1. Superintendent's Report J.2. Association Comments (ACT/CSEA) J.3. Pool Committee Insurance Committee ROP Committee Safety Committee LCAP Committee J.4. Board Reports-These are informational reports by board members. No action is taken. K. ACTION ITEMS - Consideration & action/approval of the following items: K.1. Agreement between CUSD & Imperial Valley MESA for Mathematics Engineering Science Achievement (MESA) Program for Calexico High School, Enrique Camarena & William Moreno Jr. High Schools for the 2016- 17 school year. K.2. Agreement between Calexico Unified School District and Imperial Valley College Educational Talent Search Program for Annual Program Services for Calexico High School. K.3. Renewal of Agreement between CUSD and ASPS Security for Security Patrol Services for fiscal year 2016-17. K.4. Awarding of RFQ No. 2016-06, Prop. 39 Services, Energy Conservation & Energy Efficiency and Approve to Contract. K.5. Resolution of the Governing Board for the Increase of District Revolving Cash Fund. K.6. Variable Term Waiver 2016-2017 School Year for Theodore R. Gallinat. K.7. Certificated Employment Report. K.8. Classified Employment Report L. RECONVENE TO EARLIER CLOSED SESSION (SEE ABOVE, ITEM D) M. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION N. ANNOUNCEMENT OF ACTION(S) TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION O. STUDENT DISCIPLINE-(EDUCATION CODE SECTION 48918) Action upon recommendation of student discipline Case #161705. P. STUDENT DISCIPLINE-(EDUCATION CODE SECTION 48918) Action upon recommendation of student discipline Case #161706. Q. ADJOURNMENT |
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