Viewing: C.1. Project Labor Agreements – discussion and direction to staff regarding negotiation of Project Labor Agreement for potential construction projects funded by the future District General Obligation Bond proceeds, with presentation by District's legal


A. Opening Items

A.1. Call to Order

A.2. Pledge of Allegiance

B. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC-The Board will take any and all comments from

the public related to the sole items on the agenda.


C.1. Project Labor Agreements – discussion and direction to staff

regarding negotiation of Project Labor Agreement for potential

construction projects funded by the future District General Obligation

Bond proceeds, with presentation by District's legal counsel and

comments from members of the public.

C.2. Contract between Calexico Unified School District & Caldwell,

Flores, Winters, Inc. for Professional Financial Advisory Services.

C.3. Contract between Calexico Unified School District and Caldwell,

Flores, Winters, Inc. for Professional Consulting Services.



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