Viewing: A.2. Pledge of Allegiance
A.1. Call to Order
A.2. Pledge of Allegiance B. COMMENTS FROM PUBLIC-The Board will take any and all comments from the public related to the sole items on the agenda. C. ACTIONS/INFORMATION ITEMS C.1. Contract between After School Unlimited, Inc. & CUSD to Provide Professional Development for Expanded Learning Program Staff (ASES & ASSETS). C.2. Review and Discuss Bond & Facilities Services Presentations to the Board of Trustees at the October 26, 2015 Board Meeting C.2.A. Caldwell, Flores, Winters Inc. H.2. Isom Advisors H.3. Mission Trail Advisors H.4. Dale, Scott & Company Inc. C.3. Measure J Bond Update and Discussion D. ADJOURNMENT |
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